Inclusion of New Music and Online Platform Users in Copyright (Fees) Regulations
Consideration is underway to expand the scope of the Regulations to encompass new users of music and those operating on online platforms.
Private Copy Remuneration
MASA is actively exploring the introduction of private copy remuneration, which will further safeguard the rights and interests of our members.
MASA Artists Solidarity Scheme
Discussions are underway to consider the replacement of the former MASA Artists Solidarity Scheme with a policy that better serves the interests of our members. More details will be given during the forthcoming AGM.
Mission in Rodrigues
After more than four years, the mission in Rodrigues for four days provided a unique opportunity to revitalize our collections activities, convene an AGM, establish the new Consultative Committee, and engage with local authorities in Rodrigues such as the Commission for Arts and Culture, the Police, and the MBC.
- MASA pe konsider inklizion bann lezot kategori itilizater lamizik ek bann itilizater online dan tarif.
- MASA pe diskit lor introdiksion kopi prive pou so bann manb.
- MASA pe diskit lor enn plan pou ranplas MASA Artists Solidarity Scheme. Pou gagn plis informasion dan prosenn lasanble.
- Mision ki ti fer Rodrigues ti enn lokazion pou reaktiv koleksion, fer enn lasanble, konstitie enn komite konsiltatif ek zwenn avek bann lotorite kouma Komision, lapolis ek MBC.