About Us

MASA was established under the Copyright Act 1986. Subsequently, it was replaced by the Rights Management Society under the Copyright Act 2014. The appellation was amended and reverted to MASA under the Copyright Act 2014 as amended in 2017. The main function of MASA is to collectively manage the rights of its members and those of members of sister-societies.

Over 5000 creators in the field of music, audiovisual, theatrical, publishing, literary and other-works are members and associate-members, respectively, to MASA.

MASA works under the umbrella of the International Confederation of Authors and Composers Societies (CISAC) and the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisation (IFRRO).

MASA has entered into reciprocal agreements with 43 foreign collective management organisations including SAMRO (South Africa), PRS (England), SACEM (France), UBC (Brazil), IPRS (India), ASCAP (USA), BMI (USA), APRA-AMCOS (Australasian), GEMA (Germany), SUISA (Switzerland), amongst others.


  • To efficiently and effectively exercise and enforce the collection and distribution of royalties for the benefit of its members.
  • To play a leading role in the African region and in the unification of African cultural acors especially with the challenges brought by a more high-tech era.


To make arts and culture the vector boosting cultural diversity, through better promotion and protection of artists’ interests, as an impetus of economic development.


  • To professionally administer with excellence the Copyrights and Neighbouring rights of Rights Owners.
  • To represent, defend and maximise the interest of all creators of Artistic, Literary and scientific works so that they are duly remunerated.
  • To enable its members/ creators to contribute in a sustainable cultural industry in Mauritius.


  • To promote a culture of quality, transparency, integrity and honesty within the Copyright and Neighbouring right area.
  • To inculcate a passion for excellence in all it does.
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