

This category pertains to creators such as authors, composers and musical arrangers.

According to the Statutes, “Member” means a person or legal entity satisfying the criteria for membership whose work is exploited and generates economic rights exceeding rupees 50,000.

‘Associate member” means a person who is a copyright owner in respect of a work satisfying the criteria for membership but who has deposited a work which had not yet generated economic rights up to rupees 50,000.

Number of members: 323

Number of associate-members: 3837


Creators such as book writers and poems or similar creations are registered under this category.

Number of members: 41

Number of associate-members: 666

Other Works

Creators in the field of visual arts, photography, software, audio-visual and gens-de-scene amongst others, are registered under this category.

Number of members: 29

Number of associate-members: 597

Audio-visual and Theatrical

Creators in the field on audio-visual works and gens de scène, are registered under this category.

Number of members: 25


A publisher is defined in the membership rules as a person or a company whose business is making works available to the public in Mauritius.

Number of members: 17

Number of associate-members: 155

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